Month: March 2014

Me and Mountain Bike

How did you get into mountain biking?

I got into mountain biking through my needs. The need to enjoy healthy life of living, away from bad vices and adding great workout beside doing zumba and taebo. I saw this girl friend on facebook holding her bike with pride and that made me decided to buy. I find bicycling so much fun since my childhood days as I remember I have to ask permission from our neighbor to borrow a bike and just ride and ride abusing time while my parents are not around. I got my giant revel disc 0 at JABANES Bikeshop in Dagupan City along Arellano St., JDV and Bonuan intersection and rode around Dagupan, San Fabian. As I run San Fabian rough road trail for the first time, I love it and mountain biking balance my life being.


What makes you passionate about mountain biking?

The love of mountain, road, air, air, sun that made me more appreciate the natural resources of every human being needs. The feeling it gives you when you’re pushing your limits and doing things that scare you is amazing. I love the freedom mountain biking gives me, I can go on pedaling and see beauty of places to places where I go on some adventures on my bike.


What do you think is one of the biggest barriers for women in mountain biking, racing or otherwise?

Money 🙂

When not on your bike, what are you most likely to be doing?

You will see me run for an hour or two at JDV road, just at home: cleaning our place, taking care of dogs, doing my laundry and probably browsing social activities in the internet.

Where are your favorite places to ride?

San Fabian Inmalog Trail, Umbok-Urdaneta Trail


Which places would you like to ride, but haven’t yet?

Timberland and Yellow Trail